Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Four Week Menu Plan

Things have gotten a bit busy around here with school starting for my 2 oldest, the little guy & I starting pre-school 2 mornings a week, scouts, my MOMs group at church, etc.  I've decided that menu planning and extensive grocery shopping each and every week just consumes too much of my time these days, so I've decided to give planning for 4 weeks at a time a try.  I'll do a big grocery shop once a month.  I'll still stop 1 day a week on the way home from work (pre-school) to hit the loss-leaders for stock up purposes, plus the weekly necessities like fresh produce, milk, & eggs.

Dinners on Mondays are quick, kid-friendly meals since my middle son has scouts and my husband works that night.  Wednesday nights are also quick, kid-friendly ones, as my husband and I go to Couples Trivia night with our church & our daughter babysits the little guys.

Breakfasts (the same each week):
Monday-Muffins & Yogurt
Tuesday-Breakfast sandwiches (usually sausage or bacon with egg & cheese)
Wednesday-oatmeal & fruit (pre-school day)
Thursday-Breakfast sandwiches
Friday-oatmeal & fruit (preschool day)
Saturday-eggs, grits, sausage or bacon, and toast or biscuits
Sunday-Breakfast Biscuits (using leftover meat from Saturday)

Lunches: sandwiches or left-overs.  

Sept 12-pancakes & sausage
13-Mexican cheese steaks, cheese quesadillas (kids), chips & salsa
14-Pizza balls, apple slices (Couples Trivia Night) 
15-Italian Chicken roll-ups, pasta & sauce
16-Hamburgers, home fries, corn on the cob
17-Chicken bacon club sandwiches, salad
18-Roast, rice & gravy, green beans

19-Chicken Noodle Soup, grilled cheese sandwiches
20-Tacos, black bean salad
21-Hot dogs, mac-n-cheese (Trivia night)
22-Asian glazed drumsticks, fried rice
23-Deep dish pizza (homemade), salad
24-homemade chicken tenders, home fries

26-Frozen Pizza, fruit
27-Spaghetti & meatballs, salad, garlic bread
28-Corn dogs, tater tots, apple sauce (Trivia night)
29-Sausage & Rice casserole, biscuits, corn
30-Grilled pork chops, Rice-a-Roni, sauteed green beans
Oct 1-Grilled Chicken Caesar salads
2-Honey Glazed Pork Loin, mashed potatoes, peas, rolls 

3-French toast, bacon
4-Sloppy Joes, french fries
5-Chicken nuggets, mac-n-cheese, fruit (Trivia night)
6-Cheesy Bacon Ranch chicken quesadillas, chips & salsa
7-Hamburgers & home fries
8-Mighty Meat Nachos

I'm linking up to Menu Planning Mayhem 

Oh, to have Mary's faith.....

Today I stumbled upon Luke 1:26-55 in my bible reading and was so struck by Mary's faith.  Here she was, a young girl, a virgin about to be married, when she was faced with the seemingly absurd.  An angel came to her and told her that she was to conceive and give birth to a son...the Son of all sons.  Let that absorb in your mind for a moment.  Can you imagine the thoughts going through her head?  Can you imagine how you would feel if faced with the same? Absurdity, nervousness, fear, confusion, questioning my own mental stability are just a few I imagine I would feel.  But not Mary.  Her words struck me to my core and made me realize just how frail my own faith in the Lord is in comparison to hers.  She simply said,

"I am the Lord's servant.  
May everything you have said about me come true"

Wow.  To have Mary's faith and trust in the Lord.  All too often, when I feel myself being lead by the Lord to do big things (or even small things, sometimes, if I'm completely honest), I find myself questioning, giving excuses, trying to reason with God, even arguing at times.  Today I find myself humbled by Mary's unwavering faith and complete trust in God's plan for her life, even when faced by the seemingly impossible.  I am being gently nudged by the Spirit this morning, whom I hear whispering to me, "You can do it too.  You can have big faith too, if only you would trust in God's promises and follow where He leads."  I am comforted and encouraged by the promise found in Luke 1:37

"For nothing is impossible with God" 

NOTHING is impossible with God, no, not a thing when you answer Him with a "Yes, Lord, I am your servant.  Lead me where You will and call me to do what You would have me do.  I am listening and I will be obedient".  I find such comfort in this today, and hope that you are encouraged as well.

Blessings from my home to yours!

I'm linking up to:
Time-Warp Wife's Titus Tuesdays

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Preschool Benchmark Assessment

Tomorrow I begin my new job teaching at a church preschool 2 mornings a week!  I have lots of mixed emotions, but my organized, planning self has kicked in and I've been preparing for the past few days.  One of the things I really wanted to do is get a good idea what skills my kids are bringing with them.  Since this is a mixed age group (3s & 4s), I know ability levels are going to be very spread out.  I had a lot of trouble finding a good benchmark assessment online that fit what I was looking for (basic kindergarten readiness skills), so I decided to create my own!  I wanted to share it with you all in case you have a need for it.  I plan on going back and reassessing a various points (probably 3-4 times total) to see how they've grown over the course of the year.  It would be great for you homeschoolers as well!

I'm not a very experienced blogger, so I had trouble figuring out how to go about making the Word document available. I finally settled on a Google Document (since that's all I could figure out!  haha!), but the formatting is really messed up.  If this looks like something you'd like to have, leave your e-mail in the comments section & I'll send you the Word Document!

The Busy at Home Mom's Preschool Benchmark Assessment

Monday, September 5, 2011

Menu Plan Monday ~Sept 5-11

Well, work for me (and pre-school for the little guy) starts Wednesday and I have mixed feelings.  I'm super excited to have found such a great position...only 2 mornings a week for 4 hours, a way to put my degree & experience to good use, FREE pre-school for my 2 1/2 year old who cries "What about meeeeeee!?!?" every time his big sister & brother leave for school, and a way for me to help contribute to our family's budget.  But, on the other hand, I'm nervous about balancing my time effectively & being able to accomplish everything I need & want to do each week.  I don't want to let my housework slip, I don't want to put my husband, children & family time on the back burner, I don't want to slip away from my morning bible & prayer time because I'm hurried and pressed for time.  I'm praying that I'm following God's lead in accepting this position and that it will be a blessing to my family.  Also that God gives me focus, strength, & perseverance to accomplish all that I have on my plate.

Anyway....on to the meal plan!!  With everyone back in school, I'm not planning out breakfasts & lunches in as much detail.  Also, I'm reserving Wednesdays for crock-pot meals & Fridays for Grill night, since those are the days I'm now working.   Hopefully that will help ease the burden some on those days.

waffles & fruit
pancakes & sausage
sausage biscuits & fruit
sausage, egg, & cheese english muffins
grits or oatmeal & fruit

PBJ & fruit
ham & cheese sandwiches
chicken salad sandwiches
Chicken nuggets and mac-n-cheese

Monday:  "Almost Homemade" Chicken Pot Pie
Tuesday: Chicken Bacon Ranch quesadillas
Wednesday:  Crock-pot roast, rice, corn
Thursday:  Hillbilly Spaghetti Pie, garlic bread
Friday:  Steaks, baked potatoes, corn on the cob
Saturday:  Chili dogs, french fries
Sunday:  Honey glazed Pork Loin, Rice-a-Roni, Hawaiian Rolls (Sunday Lunch, dinner will be Youth Group Pot Luck)

Blessings from my home to yours!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Menu Plan Monday ~ August 21-27

This is my kids' first full week back to school (11th grade & 1st grade!!) and I'm hoping to get into more of a routine this week.  Last week was crazy & random, and I so crave order & peace!  :)  I have 3 weeks until I go back to work.....just part-time, 2 mornings a week teaching at a local church's pre-school, and I have got to get into a routine before that begins.  My family & my home are a top priority and I am not going to let those things slide because of my work.  One of the biggest reasons I felt the need to stop teaching full-time was that I recognized that my family was only getting what I had "leftover" at the end of the day.....and when you spend all day with 25 7 year old, there isn't always much left!  I was cranky, tired, short, and not very pleasant most nights to my family, and that is not what I desire for them.  THEY are my crowned jewel, THEY should be getting the very best of me.  And while I am thrilled at the opportunity to teach in this capacity (especially since my little guy gets to attend for FREE!) I am committed to doing things very differently.

OK....now that I got that off of my chest.....here's my menu plan!

B:  Turkey sausage biscuits
L:  Ravioli Bake (I added 2 cups of cooked ground beef) & garlic bread 
D:  Youth Group potluck (I host & assist with our church's youth)

B:  oatmeal & fresh fruit
L:  Turkey & laughing cow cheese wraps, salad, fresh fruit  Toddler:  leftover ravioli bake, applesauce
D:  Kids: chicken nuggets & leftover white mac-n-cheese,  Me: grilled chicken & roasted veggies, DH (packed work dinner): Sandwich, chips, fruit

B:  ham, egg & cheese English Muffin sandwich & fresh fruit
L:  Chicken salad sandwiches, fresh fruit  Toddler:  PB&J, yogurt, fruit
D: Italian Chicken Roll-Ups, pasta, salad

L:  Turkey & laughing cow cheese wraps, salad, fresh fruit  Toddler:  hot dog, mac-n-cheese, fruit
D: Tacos, Black bean Salad (recipe coming)

B:  ham, egg, & cheese omlets, fruit
L:  taco salad, fresh fruit  Toddler:  spaghetti o's, fruit
D: Asian glazed drumsticks, rice, sauteed veggies  

B:  whole grain waffles w/ honey & pecans, fruit
L:  chicken salad sandwiches, fresh fruit  Toddler:  PB&J, yogurt, fruit
D: Family outting to Frankie's Fun Park w/ DHs work - will eat hot dogs & hamburgers there!

B:  Turkey sausage & cheese biscuits, grits
L:  BBQ chicken breasts, twice baked potatoes, corn on the cob
D: Kids & Me: leftovers, DH (packed work dinner): turkey brats, pretzels, fruit

Kids' Snacks:  frozen Gogurt, granola bars, fruit, cheese sticks, popcorn

Blessings from my home to yours,

I'm linking up to:
Menu Planning Mahem at Desiring Virtue
Menu Plan  Monday at OrgJunkie

Monday, August 1, 2011

My Cleaning Schedule

I'm not an organized person by nature, but I SO want to be!  I love making lists, schedules, plans, and the like, but sometimes have trouble actually sticking to them once the fun process of creating said list or schedule is complete.  Finally, after 2 years of being a full-time wife, mother, and home-maker, I've found a cleaning schedule that I've been able to actually STICK to.  I have my plan broken down into Morning Chores, Evening Chores and Day Specific Chores.  I also have a teen-age daughter who has assigned daily chores.  Here's my schedule:

Every Day Morning Chores:
Start Coffee
Start Load of Laundry (I do 1 a day)
Bible Reading/devotional
Unload dishwasher/drainer
Thaw anything needed for dinner
Make beds
wipe down bathrooms (with 1 wipe I wipe counter, sink, and then toilet)
Swap laundry

Every Day Afternoon/Evening Chores:
10 minute playroom tidy
fold & put away laundry
clean kitchen & sweep floor
change out dish rage & hand towel
load & run dishwasher
10 minute downstairs tidy before bed

Day Specific Chores:
Weekend Recovery Cleaning
Sweep & mop kitchen
Daughter: clean & mop upstairs bathroom
Clean & mop master bathroom
Decluttering Project (I focus on 1 area each week of the month): week 1-a bedroom closet, week 2-laundry closet, week 3-kitchen drawers or cabinets, week 4-pantry or hall closet, week 5-playroom
daughter: vacuum whole house, scoop backyard
Wash/wipe down kitchen appliances
Clean out refrigerator
daughter: clean & mop downstairs bathroom
Monthly Deep Cleaning project (I do 2 tasks each week of the month): ceiling fans, windows, dust blinds & window sills, doors & frames, switch plates & door knobs, shampoo carpets, mouldings, vacuum & shampoo living room sofa & chairs, change A/C filter
Pay bills & balance checkbook
daughter: vacuum downstairs, dust
Menu plan upcoming week
Clean little boys' room
daughter: wipe all mirrors, TVs, pictures, & door glass
Clean out van
daughter: vacuum downstairs
clip & sort coupons
plan shopping trips

Have you found a cleaning plan that works for you?  I'd love it if you shared!

Blessings from my home to yours!

I'm linking up to:
Time Warp Wife's Titus Tuesday
Don't Waste Your Homemaking's Unwasted Homemaking Party

Menu Plan Monday ~ August 1-7

It's been a rough weekend for me & my family.  Nothing life threatening; but as parents, my husband and I have made the tough choice to turn some issues concerning one of our children over to God's control.  We've learned the brutally hard way that we are not in control  and that our efforts to lead our child in the direction we think best is only getting in the way of the path God has laid out.  We can't change the situation or improve things....but we are holding hard & fast to the knowledge that God can.  If you are felt lead, prayers regarding this issue would be appreciated more than words can say.

Meanwhile...A few chapters in Acts, and cup of coffee (with yummy hazelnut creamer!!!) and Menu Planning this morning has taken my mind off things that aren't really in my control anyway.  Loving my family, cleaning my house & cooking good meals are well within my control, though, and I plan to do it all this week to His glory!

B: Muffins & yogurt
L: Chicken nuggets, mac-n-cheese, fresh fruit
D: Deep Dish Pizza, salad

B: pancakes & sausage links
L: Sandwiches or leftovers, fresh fruit
D: Chicken Bacon Ranch Quesadillas, Mexican Rice

B: Ham Egg & Cheese Sandwiches, hash browns
L: Corn dogs, sweet potato fries, fresh fruit
D: Beef Tips, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls

B: Sausage biscuits & grits
L: sandwiches or leftovers, fresh fruit
D: Chicken & Rice casserole, green beans

L: pizza rolls, fresh fruit
D: Grilled pork chops, Rice-a-Roni, corn

B: Eggs, sausage, grits, hash browns, toast
L: sandwiches or leftovers, fresh fruit
D: Hamburgers & hot dogs, raw fries

B: Cereal or oatmeal
D: Youth Group potluck

What's going to be on your plates this week?

Blessings from my home to yours!

This post is linked at: 
Stone Gable's On the Menu Monday

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Almost Homemade" Cinnamon Rolls

"Almost Homemade" Cinnamon Rolls, fresh out of the oven
**This is an adapted recipe from Hillbilly Housewife

3 1/2 cups Biscuit Mix
1 tablespoon Cinnamon
1 cup Milk
~ 1/3 cup softened margarine
~ 1/2 cup brown sugar
~ 1 tablespoon cinnamon
Pancake syrup

2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup powdered sugar
3 tablespoons milk
~ 1/4 cup powdered sugar

1. Mix biscuit mix, cinnamon, & milk in a bowl.  Dump out onto counter top & kneed until smooth & easily workable.
2. Place dough on a sheet of wax paper and roll out into a thin rectangular layer. (I spray my wax paper with Pam to make removing easier)
3.  Spread a thin layer of margarine on dough.
4. Cover margarine with brown sugar.
5. Sprinkle cinnamon on top of brown sugar.
***I do not measure out margarine, sugar or cinnamon.  I simply apply straight from containers in a generous layer.
6.  Starting with a short end, carefully roll up dough in jelly roll fashion, peeling back wax paper as you roll.  
7.  Cut rolled dough into 16 slices.  I cut the roll in half, then each half in half again, then each piece in half again, and so on until I have 16 slices.  
8.  Lay slices in a single layer in a greased 9 x 13 casserole dish.
9. Squirt a small amount of syrup in the middle of each cinnamon roll.
10.  Bake in oven at 400 for 20 minutes.

11. While rolls are baking, cream together butter & vanilla.
12. Add in powdered sugar and mix well.
13. Add milk, 1 tablespoon at a time, until desired consistency is reached.  You want it thin, but not too runny.
14. Spread icing over cinnamon rolls as soon as they come out of the oven.
15. Sprinkle additional powdered sugar on top and allow to cool for 10-15 minutes before serving.

Blessings from my home to yours!

Monday, July 18, 2011

My Daily Schedule

I know I've often found it interesting and encouraging to view the daily schedules of other stay-at-home moms, so I thought I'd post my current daily schedule.  Keep in mind my children are 16, almost 6 (next week!!), and 2 1/2.  My eldest daughter is often gone during the day as she has several regular babysitting jobs this summer, so my schedule mostly centers on my days home with the little boys.  Our days are not nearly as rigid as the schedule seems and I don't get all bent out of shape should we happen to go off schedule (since this happens nearly every single day!!), but having a schedule in mind helps to form the day and give me an idea of what I should be focusing on at any given time.  So, here's my current schedule for the summer.....it will change drastically in 4 weeks when my 2 eldest head back to school for their 11th & 1st grade years!  

Daily Schedule (Summer Version):

6:20 -6:30 ~ Wake up, start coffee, start laundry

6:30-7:00 ~ Quiet Time: Bible Reading, Devotional, Prayer Time

7:00-7:30 ~ Computer Time

7:30-7:45 ~ Morning Chores: switch laundry, make bed, wipe down bathrooms, lay out dinner

7:45-8:15 ~ Cook breakfast, unload dishwasher while meal is cooking (listen to devotional podcast while cooking)

8:15-8:45 ~ Get kids up, eat breakfast

8:45-9:15 ~ Clean kitchen, load dishwasher, wipe counters, get everyone dressed
                ~ Kids play in playroom during this time

9:15-10:00 ~ Daily Chores
                  ~ Kids watch movie or play during this time

10:00-12:00 ~ Flex Time: 3 Days a week we stay home and do our “work” (bible story lessons, math, reading, letters, board games, etc) and play outside, weather permitting.  Once a week (usually Tuesday) we go on a fun outing (zoo, kids’ museum, bowling, park, etc).  Friday is our shopping day.  On our outing & errand days I have limited daily chores, so we generally leave the house my 9:30.

12:00-1:00 ~ Finish up daily chores, prepare lunch
                  ~ Kids play in the playroom during this time

1:00-1:30 ~ Lunch time

1:30-2:00 ~ Clean up from lunch, fold & put away laundry, playroom tidy for kids

2:00-4:00 ~ Nap/quiet time for children

2:00-4:00 ~ Work time for me

4:00-5:00 ~ Play time: outside, weather permitting

5:00-6:00 ~ Dinner prep & house tidy (I listen to devotional podcast or praise & worship during this time)

6:00-6:45 ~ Dinner

6:45-7:15 ~ Clean kitchen from dinner, sweep floor, replace dish rag & hand towel
                ~ Kids playing with daddy during this time

7:15-8:30 ~ Family time, outside play, board games, etc.

8:30-9:00 ~ baths & teeth for boys

9:00 ~ Books, prayers & bed for boys

9:00-10:00 ~ TV time with my husband

10:00-10:30 ~ Shower, teeth, face, etc.

10:30 ~ Start dishwasher, head to bed

I will write another post soon outlining my daily chores.

Blessings from my home to yours!

I'm linking up with:
Homemaker By Choice's Week Long Blog Hop
Time Warp Wife's Titus Tuesday

Menu Plan Monday ~ July 17-23

It's the Week of the Pies!

B: cereal or oatmeal
L: chicken enchiladas, mexican rice
D: Youth Group potluck

B: bacon, egg & cheese sandwiches
L: pizza rolls, yogurt
D: "Almost Homemade" chicken pot pie

B: Sausage & cheese biscuits
L: corn dogs, potato chips, fruit
D: Hillbilly Spaghetti Pie

B: pancakes & bacon
L: sandwiches, chips, fruit
D: Taco Pie, chips & salsa

B: cheese grits & sausage links
L: chicken nuggets, mac-n-cheese
D: Leftover buffet, fresh corn on the cob

B: sausage biscuits & muffins
L: pizza, carrot sticks & ranch
D:  Honey glazed pork tenderloin, rice, corn, rolls

B:  eggs, grits, sausage, hash browns
L: Hamburgers, hot dogs, homemade raw fries
D:  Leftovers or frozen pizza

Blessings from my home to yours,

I'm linking up with Menu Plan Monday at Finding Joy in My Kitchen

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Weekly Shopping Trip ~ 40% Savings!

This week I made trips to Bi-Lo, Publix, and Kroger.  While there weren't many coupon deals (for me...since I only buy good deals that my family will actually use/eat!!) there were some great store sales to be had.  I got a good bit of meat; some of which I built our upcoming meal plan around, and some that will be frozen and saved for future meals.

I also redeemed my rain check at Kroger for 20 additional boxes of brown-n-serve sausage links.  These were on sale for .69 each, which is a phenomenal price for a product my family eats weekly.  I have plenty of storage space, so I decided to stock up on about 3 months worth.

Everything bought at the 3 stores

Here's a breakdown of my trip.  Items in blue are included in my upcoming meal plan.  Items in purple are stock up items.  Coupons used are listed in red.  

2 Del Monte Corn 1.00 each
3 Southern Home Sweetener  BOGO 1.15 each
Bounty paper towels BOGO .69  - .25 coupon doubled = .19
2 dozen eggs 1.00 each
whole chicken 4.61 (will be used in 3 meals this week...chicken enchiladas, chicken pot pie, & chicken salad)
whole chicken 4.88
pork loin 7.16 (cut in half prior to freezing.  I will cook 1 half this week and will save the other half for a future meal)
2 Johnsonville ground Italian sausage BOGO 1.99 each – (2) 1.00 coupons = .99 each  (divided into 4 1/2 lb portions.  1 portion will be used this week and the rest saved for future meals)
2 4 ct bakery croissants BOGO 1.99 each (1 box used for lunches this week, the other frozen for later)

total: 57.77
savings: 27.55
total spent: 30.27

2 Vlasic sandwich stackers BOGO 1.45 each – (2) .55 coupons = .95 each  (used in chicken salad & burgers this week)
Caramel Bugels BOGO 1.30 - .50 coupon doubled = .30 (snack for the week)
Chex Mix BOGO 1.29 - .50 coupon doubled = .29  (snack for the week)

Total: 10.94
Savings: 8.56
Total spent: 2.38

20 Banquet sausage links (rainchecked) .69 each
2 Tombstone pizzas 2.79  (1 used for lunch this week, the other frozen & saved)
5 lb ground beef 9.98 – 10% Employee Discount = 8.98  (2 lbs made into hamburgers, the rest divided into 2 1 lb portions & 2 1/2 lb portions.  1 1/2 lbs & 4 burgers saved for future meals)
Kroger sausage 1.99 – 10% Employee Discount = 1.79 (breakfast this week)
Kroger bacon 2.79 – 10% Employee Discount = 2.51 (breakfast & club sandwiches this week)
2 kroger crescent rolls 1.29 – 10% Employee Discount = 1.16 each (dinner this week)
Kroger velveeta loaf 4.99 – 10% Employee Discount = 4.49 (1/2 used in breakfast this week, 1/2 saved for next week)
Kroger vegetable oil 2.69– 10% Employee Discount = 2.42
Kroger choc chips 2.15 – 10% Employee Discount = 1.93 (for chocolate chip cookies this week)
2 kroger miffin mix .58 – 10% Employee Discount = .52 each (breakfast this week)
8 kraft easy mac .49 each – 1.00/4 coupon = .33 each (2 for lunches this week, remaining saved for future meals)
6 pringles .85 each – 1.00/3 coupon = .68 each (2 for lunches this week, remaining saved)
3 fresh corn cobs 1.14 (for dinner this week)
4 pepsi 2 liters .89 each

total:  78.95
savings: 23.17
total spent: 55.78

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fried Ice Cream Balls ~ at Home!

Fried Ice Cream is one of my family's favorite desserts to order out at restaurants...if I'd known how easy it was to make at home, I would have done it years ago!  Thankfully, a neighbor shared her recipe with me last week, and now I'm sharing it with all of you.

First, take scoops of ice cream and shape them into balls with your hands.  Any size you like is fine.  My neighbor likes hers little like donut holes while I prefer mine bigger, almost tennis-ball sized, but not quite.  Honestly, this is the worst part of the recipe.  You hands will get cold. REALLY cold.  And they will hurt.  a lot. Make as many ice cream balls as you can stand.  If you're a baby like me, it won't be many.

Stick the ice cream balls on a platter and then put them in the freezer for at least an hour.  At least.  It will be tempting to pull them out sooner, but don't do it.  They will not harden completely and it will make future steps very difficult for you.  Go fold a few loads of laundry while you wait.

Right before you take the ice cream balls out of the freezer, take about 3 cups of frosted flakes cereal & crunch it up into a pretty fine powder.  Add a tablespoon (yes, TABLEspoon) of cinnamon to the cereal and mix well.

Take your ice cream balls and roll them around in the crushed cereal until fully & completely covered.  Return covered ice cream balls to the platter and then freeze for at least two hours.  Overnight is better.  The more time they have to freeze the less likely the yummy-cinnamon-frosted-flake-goodness will come off during the frying.

Once you've waited AT LEAST 2 hours, fill a small saucepan 3/4 full with oil and heat on med-hi heat until very hot.  While you're waiting on the oil to heat up, squirt some chocolate sauce into your bowls.  You won't have time to do this when frying the ice cream.

Once the oil is hot, lower an ice cream ball into it using a slotted spoon.  Don't drop it in with your hands.  Dropping causes oil to splash.  Splashing oil causes burns.  Trust me.  I know.  Allow the ball to fry for about 10 seconds, and then flip it over with the spoon, allowing it to fry another 10 seconds or so.  Remove from oil and give a few shakes to get rid of excess oil before placing it in your chocolate covered bowl.

Eat immediately.  While standing at the stove if you have to.  Trust me, you'll want to!

Blessings from my home to yours!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekly Bible Lesson: The Good Samaritan

I started out all "good intentional" (is that a word??) with my idea for weekly bible stories 3 weeks ago.  The first week went wonderfully....and then I took our youth group to camp, so no lesson that week.  And then I came home from camp exhausted, went straight into a holiday weekend, and then baby-sat my friend's little girl all last week, so no bible lesson that week, either.  This week I'm determined to get back to being intentional with my time, so I am excited about this week's bible lesson for my boys!  I found some really awesome ideas & activities online and can't wait to get started.  I think they're going to have a ball with it!  Last time Bubby, the oldest, was constantly asking for MORE WORK, so I planned a lot for this week!

Here's everything I hope to do this week!

The Good Samaritan

Memory Verse:  “A FRIEND LOVES AT ALL TIMES” Proverbs 17:17

Intro Video (Cullen’s ABCs): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ1DFItJT8U

·        Map Book (from Munckin’s SS class)
·        Toddler Bible version
·        Bible for Young Readers version
·        Mom’s bible

Language Arts Activities:
·        Words that begin with “G” list
·        Journal Entry: Who Are My Neighbors?  How Can I Help Them?
·        True/False Questions about the parable (from Lesson Plan)
·        Comprehension Questions (from Lesson Plan)
·        Basic Letter/Sounds recognition
·        Beginning lower case recognition

Math Activities:
·        Play “Money, Money” (Discovery Toys)
·        Counting, sorting, & patterning activities with manipulatives

Other Fun Stuff/Arts & Crafts:
·        Dot to Dot/Coloring page:  http://sundayschoolsources.com/classmat/samaritan_to_color.htm

Whew.....that's a lot of stuff!  If we don't get through it all, no biggie.  As my former-teacher-self used to say "Better to have too much planned than not enough!"

Do you have anything fun planned to do with your kiddos this week?  I'd love for you to share!!

Blessings from my home to yours,

I'm linking up to the following linkies:
Don't Waste Your Homemaking's Unwasted Homemaking Party 
11th Heaven's Homemaker Monday
Time Warp Wife's Titus Tuesdays
Homemaker By Choice Week Long Blog Hop

Go visit them to find some awesome Homemaking ideas & tips!