Monday, August 22, 2011

Menu Plan Monday ~ August 21-27

This is my kids' first full week back to school (11th grade & 1st grade!!) and I'm hoping to get into more of a routine this week.  Last week was crazy & random, and I so crave order & peace!  :)  I have 3 weeks until I go back to work.....just part-time, 2 mornings a week teaching at a local church's pre-school, and I have got to get into a routine before that begins.  My family & my home are a top priority and I am not going to let those things slide because of my work.  One of the biggest reasons I felt the need to stop teaching full-time was that I recognized that my family was only getting what I had "leftover" at the end of the day.....and when you spend all day with 25 7 year old, there isn't always much left!  I was cranky, tired, short, and not very pleasant most nights to my family, and that is not what I desire for them.  THEY are my crowned jewel, THEY should be getting the very best of me.  And while I am thrilled at the opportunity to teach in this capacity (especially since my little guy gets to attend for FREE!) I am committed to doing things very differently. that I got that off of my's my menu plan!

B:  Turkey sausage biscuits
L:  Ravioli Bake (I added 2 cups of cooked ground beef) & garlic bread 
D:  Youth Group potluck (I host & assist with our church's youth)

B:  oatmeal & fresh fruit
L:  Turkey & laughing cow cheese wraps, salad, fresh fruit  Toddler:  leftover ravioli bake, applesauce
D:  Kids: chicken nuggets & leftover white mac-n-cheese,  Me: grilled chicken & roasted veggies, DH (packed work dinner): Sandwich, chips, fruit

B:  ham, egg & cheese English Muffin sandwich & fresh fruit
L:  Chicken salad sandwiches, fresh fruit  Toddler:  PB&J, yogurt, fruit
D: Italian Chicken Roll-Ups, pasta, salad

L:  Turkey & laughing cow cheese wraps, salad, fresh fruit  Toddler:  hot dog, mac-n-cheese, fruit
D: Tacos, Black bean Salad (recipe coming)

B:  ham, egg, & cheese omlets, fruit
L:  taco salad, fresh fruit  Toddler:  spaghetti o's, fruit
D: Asian glazed drumsticks, rice, sauteed veggies  

B:  whole grain waffles w/ honey & pecans, fruit
L:  chicken salad sandwiches, fresh fruit  Toddler:  PB&J, yogurt, fruit
D: Family outting to Frankie's Fun Park w/ DHs work - will eat hot dogs & hamburgers there!

B:  Turkey sausage & cheese biscuits, grits
L:  BBQ chicken breasts, twice baked potatoes, corn on the cob
D: Kids & Me: leftovers, DH (packed work dinner): turkey brats, pretzels, fruit

Kids' Snacks:  frozen Gogurt, granola bars, fruit, cheese sticks, popcorn

Blessings from my home to yours,

I'm linking up to:
Menu Planning Mahem at Desiring Virtue
Menu Plan  Monday at OrgJunkie

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